Why are you thinking about Scotch Garding your carpet? Let’s be reasonable, when you Scotch Gard, this does NOT mean that you can spill anything on your carpet, not clean it and there won’t be a stain…
Fluorochemicals are the main force in fabric protection or Scotch Gard, as it relates to carpet and upholstery. Fluorochemicals repel both water and oil, and when used according to manufacturer directions, provide vital protection to the fiber.
There is a big difference between stain resistance and fabric protection… stain resistance technology fills the “dye sites” of the fiber (typically added at the mill only), while fabric protection (added at the mill and by most carpet cleaners) lowers the surface energy of the fiber, making it difficult for soils and spills to penetrate that barrier, which gives YOU a bit more time to get to the spill. Sorry, you still have to clean it.
This means that soils, spots and stain materials don’t as quickly penetrate to the fiber itself, they sit on top of the carpet or furniture until you can clean it properly.
Applying Scotch Gard provides an invisible shield on the fiber, and lowers the surface energy, the tension, of the fiber and thus repels soils, spots and stains.
For all fibers?
No, but most fibers can benefit from Scotch Gard protection.
Furniture fibers, such as cotton, rayon and typically other natural materials, need more protection, especially from oily soils, such as from skin contact.
Practical points…
Like all cleaning applications, there is the practical side of things.
Keep traffic to a minimum for at least 24 hours after application. Remember that like most chemicals, protectors need time to set up and “cure”.
So how do you know when to Scotch Gard?
At Anderson Carpet Cleaning, we recommend a professional cleaning every 6 months to a year. If it is going to be longer than that OR you have a lot of kids and animals in and out all the time, this would be the ideal situation for Scotch Gard.