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10 Myths Debunked: Why Anderson Carpet Cleaning is an Investment in Your Home’s Health

by | Jun 19, 2024 | Carpet, Cleaning Method, Cleaning Tips

June 19, 2024

Being a carpet cleaning business, we constantly hear bad advice and incorrect info about carpet cleaning. Here are the top 10 myths that you might still believe about carpet cleaning that are not true.


  1. Cleaning my carpets will cause them to get dirty faster!

If your carpets  get cleaned improperly by you (Bissell or Rug DR), this can be true. Since these  methods leave behind sticky residue and soil, it is correct that improper cleaning can make your carpeting soil quickly. However, if you hire a pro company like 

Andersons, your carpets will not get dirty faster. In fact, your carpet stays cleaner longer because we do a thorough job of rinsing out all of the soil and cleaning agents, leaving your carpet virtually residue-free.




  1. Vacuuming too much will damage my carpet!

Vacuuming once a week is usually sufficient for most homes, but high traffic areas and businesses may require up to daily vacuuming. Vacuuming is best for dirt and debris on the top surface of the carpet. You should vacuum slowly and carefully.


  1. Baking soda or other powder deodorizers will remove the smell from my carpet!

We hear and see this one often. Unfortunately, it’s one of those old tales that get passed down to each generation. I know there is at least one of you reading this saying “this worked for me, this is a lie Jackie, a lie!” I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but this method only masks odors and doesn’t remove the source. Andersons Removes the odor source to remove the odor – and we do this by flushing out the contamination rather than trying to mask it.



  1. Carpet causes allergies!

Yes, dust, dander, and soil will settle onto your carpet and will stay there if it’s not maintained properly. That is the secret keyword: Maintenance. We know that many people don’t get their carpets cleaned professionally nearly enough. We also know that many people don’t vacuum as often as they really should. So, if you don’t do those two things, then there is some truth to this. 


  1. My carpet isn’t that old; it doesn’t need to be cleaned!

When people refer to their carpet as ‘new’, most of the time it’s already a few years old. Carpet is designed to hide soils, so even if it looks “clean”, more than often it’s not. In fact, by the time the dirt is visible, most of the damage has already occurred. Generally speaking, you should get your carpeting cleaned between 6 and 12 months. 


  1. I can use any grocery store cleaner to remove a stain!

This myth can be disastrous to your carpet! Many of the big brand name carpet spotters attract soil and can even ruin your carpet. And are very very toxic. We have seen it all too many times. This is exactly why Andersons uses a biodegradable, eco-friendly and child and pet safe carpet spotter. It is a carpet spot cleaning product that we can guarantee to be safe and effective.


  1. I can get my carpets cleaned for the “$95 Whole House Special!”

The carpet cleaner’s favorite myth! This is one of those times where the saying “if it’s too good to be true…” comes into play. We don’t like ‘bashing’ other companies, but we do want people to know the truth about these types of ads. With that said, the types of cleaners that charge this way are commonly referred to as “bait and switch” artists.  These companies typically advertise a very low price and once they get their foot in the door they add dubious charges onto the bill that they claim are necessary to do an acceptable job. 


  1. Steam cleaning will shrink my carpet and upholstery!

Most installed carpet is made of synthetic materials that will not shrink. However, we test everything before we clean to ensure that there will be no problems. 


  1. Dry cleaning is a better method than “steam cleaning”!

I’ve noticed there is a trend here about improperly cleaned carpets, as this myth was probably derived from bad carpet cleaning. Each method has its pros and cons and is not really a deep cleaning because there is no extraction. Because of this, it has the tendency to leave residue in the carpeting, causing it to re-soil faster. 

By debunking these common myths, you can make informed decisions about carpet cleaning for your home. Investing in professional cleaning services from a reputable company like Anderson Carpet Cleaning is not just about aesthetics; it’s an investment in the health and well-being of your family and the longevity of your carpets. Contact Anderson Carpet Cleaning today for a free quote and experience the difference professional cleaning can make in your home.



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