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Not Just Coffee Stains

by | Aug 31, 2016 | Cleaning Tips, Stains

Lisa Shultz
August 31, 2016

I love a good cup of coffee.  Cinnamon Dolce Latte from Starbucks to be specific…And yes, I have spilled my share.  So this is what I would like to share with you from a carpet cleaners side.

Coffee, water and ground beans right? NOT! Coffee and tea often have added substances in the beverage.  Plain, black coffee removal is one thing; black coffee with added cream and sugar is another.  In addition to this, some decaffeinated coffees also have artificial colors added to give it a richer look. The “decaffeination” process removes natural coffee colors.  And, what about that green tea? Other, organic and non-caffeine coffees also can have artificial colors added. Artificial coloring can also be tough to remove.  Stains are substances that are absorbed into the fiber. In most cases, absorption that creates a permanent stain takes time.

Then there are the tannins, wait…what is tannin?  I’m glad you asked…”tannin is a textural element that makes wine taste dry. Tannin is a naturally occurring polyphenol found in plants, seeds, bark, wood, leaves and fruit skins. About 50% of the dry weight of plant leaves are tannins. As a characteristic of wine, tannin adds both bitterness and astringency as well as complexity. “
Tannins are found in beverages such as:

  • Coffee
  • Tea
  • Wine
  • Beer and other alcoholic drinks
  • Fruit juices
  • Colas
  • Cocoa
  • Tomato juice

It is responsible for the “bitter” taste of red wine and some coffees — a good thing, as long as it isn’t spilled onto the carpet.

Oh, wait, the coffee was hot you say? When coffee, tea or other hot beverages with tannins are spilled onto carpet, the heat of the beverage can penetrate through the fabric protection and then “open up” the fiber (especially nylon and wool), allowing a spot to ultimately become a stain.

These hot spills bond with the fiber and removal is difficult, especially after a day or two have passed.

So, next time you spill that cup of coffee, tea or wine, just remember, www.andersoncarpetcleaninginc.com

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Lisa Shultz Owner / Manager
Anderson Carpet Cleaning is a family owned business serving the entire Eastside since 1996. Lisa is the proud owner and resides in Duvall with her two kids … and treats every customer as if they are family. Always a stickler for perfection, every carpet, rug or upholstered furniture cleaned by her company is backed with her promise that it will be done to perfection. To talk to Lisa you will immediately feel the extreme passion she has for her company to provide you with a “Red Carpet Experience!” Anderson Carpet Cleaning has five vans with the latest steam cleaning equipment for all residential cleaning needs as well a large “Fuso” truck which offers the ability to clean apartments up as high as the tenth floor! In keeping with the latest in environmentally friendly cleaning soaps and sanitizers, Lisa is always making sure that each product she uses is organic. In fact, she encourages her customers to use the waste water extracted from their home to water their plants and they will flourish!


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